I've been working on it consistently, averaging about 9-10 hours a week, so far.
Nine days ago I drank the Crossfit kool-aid and I think I might be addicted. I'm counting each 60-90 minutes of crossfit as 2 hours, is that cheating?? LOL This formula will put me at 11.5 hours for this week.
I'm sore every single day -- in places I didn't even realize I had muscles.
I show up at Crossfit every day, except for Fridays. Right now as I sit here, my right shin is aching and I'm assuming its from the ridiculous attempts at achieving my first doubleunder. You know what thought went through my head as I limped into the house after the workout? " I wonder If I shouldn't try to go workout tomorrow too?"
My arms? I guarantee they will be crying tomorrow after the 80+ wall balls.
I'm just a beginner and I have huge strides to make, but I figure every day at the box is one day closer to someone I know I can become.
So my crossfit box ( I still havn't figured out why they call it a box) is starting a Paleo Challenge on Monday. J originally said we'd be starting tomorrow, March 1st, so I've been psyching myself up this past week for just that. I'm not waiting till Monday, I'm starting tomorrow!! Why waste another day?
Honestly, the oddest thing happened today, I took a bite of my favorite lindor truffle chocolates, thinking "oh, this is the last time I'll have chocolate for the next 90 days". ( Did I mention I'm committing to 90 days instead of the 30??)
All of a sudden, I was grossed out by the chocolate. All I could taste was sugar and God knows how many ingredients. It wasn't satisfying. How bizarre. How amazing. I threw the rest of the truffle away without an ounce of hesitation. Blasphemy, I know.
All the rambling above is really my announcement of Crossfit as a new phase of my life, and public accountability for my Paleo Challenge. IF I get the results I'm hoping for, I'll post a before and after picture.
The plan is to use this blog on a more regular basis to share my experiences, recipes, challenges, and accomplishments.
Join me? Advise me?